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Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
FY 2023 EMTS Funding Program - RFA # 36212
CLOSED  Deadline  2/15/2022
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Description  [hide this]

For the state fiscal year 2023, approximately $4.5 million in funding is projected to be available for improving and expanding Colorado’s emergency medical and trauma services system. Funds are available on a reimbursement basis to organizations that have the provision of EMS and trauma services as their primary purpose. This generally includes ambulance services, first response agencies, acute care medical facilities, fire agencies, rescue groups, communications centers, training centers and other public or private providers of emergency medical and trauma services in Colorado.

Requirements  [hide this]

Applicants to the EMTS Funding Program must provide emergency medical and trauma services in Colorado. To apply, all applicants must first submit an Organizational Profile Information form in the OATH portal. If your organization does not have an Organizational Profile Account Gatekeeper, the designated person must follow the guidance on our webpage. Once completed, the organizational profile gatekeeper will be emailed a PDF of the organizational profile information form. The primary grant contact must upload a recently updated Organizational Profile Information form on the pre-application tab.

Please review the EMTS Funding Guide, RFA Administrative Information, Purchase Order Terms and Conditions and General and special provisions for contracts.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
FY23 EMTS Funding Guide LINK 12/15/2021 5:11:33 PM LINK
Provider Grant Scoring Tool LINK 12/15/2021 5:12:18 PM LINK
System Improvement Scoring Tool LINK 12/15/2021 5:12:42 PM LINK
Funding Program Attestation Instructions LINK 12/15/2021 5:16:03 PM LINK
Sample Income Statement LINK 12/15/2021 5:38:00 PM LINK
Sample Budget LINK 12/15/2021 5:38:17 PM LINK
Sample Balance Sheet LINK 12/15/2021 5:38:37 PM LINK
Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire FAQ LINK 1/14/2022 10:38:20 AM LINK

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Summary Pre-Application Application Questions Detailed Project Budget Supporting Documents Upload Activity Log

Summary (answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Instructions Show/Hide

Welcome to the EMTS Funding Program grant application!

This application opens after December 16, 2021. The pre-application tab must be completed and submitted for review before February 8, 2021. Submission and approval of the pre-application tab are required to continue to the full funding application. Early submission of the pre-application and full application are encouraged. 

To get started, you must log in to an existing ZoomGrants account or create a new account. The ZoomGrants account used to start the application for your organization must be used throughout the grant cycle. Be sure the "Primary Grant Contact" has access to the ZoomGrants account. The primary grant contact is the person responsible for submitting and corresponding with EMTS regarding the application and the project if funded. If the primary grant contact person changes, you can follow the instructions on the ZoomGrants help page to update the email address/user ID associated with your primary ZoomGrants account.

Navigate this application using the green tabs above. The pre-application tab must be completed and approved before the other tabs can be accessed.

  1. Pre-Application tab - Requires review by staff before subsequent tabs can be accessed.
  2. Application Questions tab – Narrative questions to describe your project and need
  3. Detailed Project Budget tab – Listing of the specific items or services you will purchase
  4. Supporting Documents Upload tab – Upload quotes, letters of support or other documents

For your reference, you can download a PDF of the full funding application here.

The final application submission deadline is February 15, 2022. 


Application review

Grant applications will be scored competitively using 50-point scales. For your reference, you can find the provider grant, system improvement funding and financial waiver scoring tools in the library above. Review schedules will be posted at: after the grant application deadline.

Provider grant funding requests will be reviewed and scored by two different committees, these scores are combined to rank all eligible applications. The first application review will be performed by your specific RETAC at a date and time determined by the RETAC. The second review session will be conducted by the SEMTAC on May 12 & 13, 2022.  All applicants are encouraged to attend both their RETAC and SEMTAC reviews to answer any questions reviewers may have.

System improvement funding requests will be reviewed and scored by the SEMTAC Public Policy and Finance Committee on Wednesday, April 13, 2022.

Financial waiver requests must be reviewed and scored during the financial waiver review session scheduled for February 23, 2022. Applications that request a reduced match must be approved before they can be considered during the RETAC and SEMTAC evaluations. Applications that fail waiver review do not advance to the evaluation process.

Grant workshops

Several informational grant workshops are scheduled throughout January 2022. Visit: to find a schedule of workshops and tentative application review schedule information.

Tips for a successful application

  • Review the EMTS Grant Funding Guide in the library above before starting.
  • Gather the required documents for upload into the pre-application.
  • Use your browser's zoom function if you cannot see the full application page.
  • ZoomGrants will time out after a period of inactivity. Save your work often by clicking outside of the question you are working on.
  • Use your browser's refresh function to update calculations in the detailed project budget tab and to make sure your progress has been saved.
  • The "Project Title" below should reflect the overall intent of your request and not include your organization name.
  • The "Organization Information" section below must reflect the information for the primary organization that will be responsible for administering the grant project/funds.
  • The EIN information number you list must match the number listed on the W-9 form that you'll submit on the next tab.
  • The "Authorized Signer" you list must be a person who can execute legally binding agreements for your organization. This person also cannot be the primary grant contact and/or person filling out this application. Examples of authorized signers include but are not limited to Board President, CEO, County Manager, City Manager.
  • The "IRS Verification" feature only searches for non-profit entities. If your EIN is not found, please proceed through the application.
  • We recommend submitting your full application early to allow ample time for staff review. Applications submitted after the deadline will be rejected.


All required questions and documents must be completed before your application can be submitted. Once you are ready, click the "Submit Now" button on the last tab of the application. If any required questions or documents are missing, they will be displayed in red at the top of the page. Once the application has been successfully submitted, you won't be able to make changes to the application without contacting EMTS staff. 

Enter the Title of this Application
Amount Requested
Enter the match amount you're requesting from CDPHE (usually 50% of project total)

Applicant Information

First Name
Last Name
Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)

Create an Organization