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BUILD Small Business Grant Program
CLOSED  Deadline  11/24/2020
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General Information  [hide this]

Definition of small business: Business with no more than 100 employees and revenue under $10 million.

Other eligibility requirements: Applicant may not be delinquent in the payment of Dallas County taxes; currently, be in a lawsuit with the city; be an elected official of the city or a city employee.

Type of assistance: Small Business Grant.

Payments will be made directly small business owner or grantee 

Maximum grant amount: up to $3,000.00

Required Documents  [hide this]

Required documents for businesses with a commercial location:

  • Texas driver’s license or other government-issued identification,
  • proof of operations (utility bill for commercial location, certificate of occupancy, lease invoice, etc.),
  • business entity filing with the Secretary of State OR, for sole proprietors, DBA filed with Dallas County,
  • signed year-to date month-by-month profit and loss statement (January-August 2020),
  • all pages of August business bank statement (including check images) with expenses clearly highlighted,
  • all August rent/mortage and utility invoices/bills
  • all pages of 2019 business tax return or personal income tax return with Schedule C or Form 990 (for non-profit),
  • signed Q1 2020 IRS 941 (Note: only required if business has employees),
  • signed W-9,
  • any other documents necessary to determine a business's eligibility to receive a grant.

Required documents for a home-based business

  • Texas driver’s license or other government issued identification,
  • signed year-to-date month-by-month profit and loss statement (January-August 2020),
  • proof of operations (may use tax return, DBA, etc.),
  • business entity filing with the Secretary of State OR, if sole proprietor, DBA filed with Dallas County,
  • 2019 business tax return or personal income tax return with Schedule C or Form 990 (for non-profit),
  • signed W-9.

Frequently Asked Questions  [hide this]

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much funding will I receive? All eligible expenses up to $3,000 will be reimbursed for expenses from June 1, 2019, to November 30, 2020.

2. What expenses are eligible?

a. Rent, lease or mortgage payment for real property used for business
purposes, like storefront or warehouse
b. Rent, lease or purchase payment for business property (e.g., delivery
vehicle; food truck; kitchen equipment; technology, payment, and
communications systems and equipment)
c. New or expanded technology applications and WiFi services
d. Utility payments for business properties
e. Supplier and Vendor payments
f. PPE, sanitation supplies and equipment, testing for employees
g. Eligible Taxes and Fees (specifics to be identified in the invoicing materials)
h. Payroll expenses

3. For what time period are expenses eligible? You may request reimbursement for eligible expenses from June 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020.

4. Can I use grant funds to pay my employees? Yes.

5. Can I use grant funds to pay for product and inventory? You may pay supplier or vendor costs. -Yes

6. Must expenses be new expenses directly related to covid-19 to be able to be eligible? They must be directly related to covid-19 impacts or solutions to address business changes related to covid-19. 

7. How long will reimbursement take? Approximately 30 days from a correct invoice.

8. Am I required to keep the same number of employees to stay eligible? No, this program is not dependent on keeping employees on staff.

9. What if I don’t have cash flow now to make these purchases and be reimbursed later? If you have expenses that can be reimbursed from March 1, 2019, that may provided the needed cash flow to provide funding to make purchases. Those purchases, if an eligible use, can be requested in a subsequent month’s reimbursement request.

10. I spent a lot of money on some of these things before applying for this grant. That’s okay! Eligible expenses can be reimbursed going back to March 1, 2019, with appropriate documentation.

11. I run my business from my home. Can I use this program for my home mortgage or utilities? No. Only properties that are used exclusively for business purposes are eligible.

12. What if I lose my receipts / pay with cash? Documentation is required for reimbursement.

Geographic eligibility:
1. What if my business is in Dallas County but I live in the City of Dallas? For the purposes of eligibility for this program, only the address where your business is officially is registered is considered. It does not matter where your home address is.

2. What if my business is in the eligible area, but my service area is outside of the City of Dallas? For the purposes of eligibility for this program, only the address where your business
is officially is registered is considered Your service area is not a factor in eligibility.

3. I run my business out of my home, which is an eligible area, but it’s technically registered with a City of Dallas address. Am I eligible? For the purposes of eligibility for this program, only the address where your business is officially is registered is considered. It does not matter where your home address is.

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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