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City of Durham
Community Development
2020 - Continuum of Care
CLOSED  Deadline  5/15/2020
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Overview  [hide this]

A. Purpose and Funding Available Each year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Grants Competition. At this time, the City of Durham's Community Development Department (CDD), as the Lead Agency, for the Durham CoC, is soliciting pre-applications from organizations interested in submitting one or more project applications for the 2020 HUD CoC competition. The CDD anticipates that HUD will release the 2020 CoC NOFA in late June or July 2020 with a submission deadline in late September 2020. The CDD also anticipates that the Durham CoC will be eligible to apply for about $1.5 million, approximately the same amount of CoC funding that Durham applied for in 2019, in the 2020 CoC Homeless Grants Competition. 

B. Eligible Organizations Organizations that apply for a HUD CoC grant must be either a nonprofit organization, an entity of State or Local Government, an instrumentality of State or Local Government, or a public housing authority. 

Organizations may apply for renewal funding for three types of projects: 1. to continue to implement a project that has been awarded funds in a previous CoC grants competition, 2. to implement a new project for an eligible activity, or 3. to implement a project that would expand the capacity of an existing CoC-funded housing project. 

Only one pre-application per organization is required. Organizations that intend to submit more than one full CoC project application during the application phase of this competition, which will be conducted after HUD releases the 2020 NOFA, will submit one pre-application, but include information in the pre-application indicating their intention to submit multiple CoC project applications.

C. Pre-application Schedule The schedule for the pre-application phase of Durham's 2020 CoC grants competition is as follows: 

April 13, 2020: This ZoomGrants website is opened to the public. 

April 14, 2020: CDD conducts a webinar for representatives of interested organizations. 

April 24, 2020: Deadline for Submission of Written Questions concerning the pre-application and/or pre-application process 

May 6, 2020: Deadline for Posting of Responses from CDD to any Written Questions to 

May 15, 2020: Deadline for Submission of Pre-applications within this ZoomGrants website. Pre-applications must be submitted by 3 PM, EDT. 

May 27, 2020: Deadline for CDD to notify organizations whether their pre-application has been approved or if additional documentation or corrections are needed to address any deficiencies that prevent CDD from approving the pre-application

June 1, 2020: Deadline for organizations to provide documentation to address any deficiencies in the pre-application. 

June 4, 2020: Final deadline for CDD to notify organizations if deficiencies in the original pre-application have been corrected and the organization has been approved for submission of full CoC applications. 

June 9, 2020: Deadline for organizations who have not had their pre-application approved by CDD to appeal this decision to the HSAC's Executive Committee. 

June 19, 2020: Deadline for the HSAC's Executive Committee to make a final decision on whether an organization is approved for submission of one or more full CoC project applications. 

D. Pre-application Review and Approval Process. Pre-applications will be reviewed to ensure that all supporting documents have been submitted and that the organization has the capacity to implement its proposed project(s). As noted in the Pre-application Schedule above, organizations that have not provided satisfactory documentation initially will be provided an opportunity to correct any deficiencies by submitting additional documentation to the Community Development Department. Organizations that, in the judgment of the CDD, still fail to qualify for submitting a full CoC project application may submit an appeal in writing to the HSAC's Executive Committee. 

This is a competitive grants process. All projects submitting a project application may not be recommended by the Durham CoC to HUD for funding, and all projects recommended to HUD for funding may not be awarded HUD funding. Pre-applications are not ranked during this phase of the CoC Homeless Grants Competition. 

CDD reserves the right to reopen this competition and/or solicit additional pre-applicants if, after HUD releases the CoC NOFA, the Department determines that HUD is making available to the Durham CoC more funds than the original pre-applicants are intending to apply for and/or if the NOFA indicates that funds are available for an activity that the original pre-applicants have not indicated that they intend to apply for. 

Project Minimum Requirements  [hide this]

In order to be eligible for being considered for funding by the Durham CoC during the 2020 HUD CoC Homeless Grants Competition, proposed projects must be for one of the following activities:

  • Permanent Supportive Housing: Community-based housing without a designated length of stay for households in which someone has a disability. Supportive services designed to meet the needs of the participants must be available to participants.
  • Rapid Rehousing: Short-term [up to 3 months] and/or medium term [3-24 months] of tenant-based rental assistance with supportive services as necessary to help a homeless individual or family, with or without disabilities, move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing.
  • Homeless Management Information System (HMIS): Operating an information system/database as the HMIS Lead designated by the Continuum of Care.
  • Coordinated Entry & Assessment: Operating a coordinated process designed to coordinate program participant intake assessment and provision of referrals for housing and shelter assistance. A coordinated system covers the CoC's entire geographic area, is easily accessed by individuals and families seeking housing or services, is well advertised, and includes a comprehensive and standardized assessment tool.
  • Joint TH and PH-RRH Component Project. The Joint TH and PH-RRH component project combines transitional housing and permanent housing-rapid rehousing–in a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Projects prioritize those with the highest needs using an evidence-based approach designed to provide stable housing and services that, to the greatest extent possible, move the participant towards self-sufficiency and independence. Program participants may only receive up to 24-months of total assistance. 

In addition, the project must take part in Entry Point Durham, the CoC's Coordinated Entry System. In order to submit a competitive pre-application and full project application, organizations are strongly encouraged to become familiar with ALL of the documents available in the LIBRARY section of this website.

Organization Minimum Requirements  [hide this]

Applicants must meet the minimum requirements listed below in order to be eligible to submit projects for funding consideration by the Durham CoC during the HUD CoC Homeless Grants Competition.

  • Organization must be a nonprofit organization, State, local government, instrumentality of State and local governments, or a public housing authority. Non-profit means having a 501c(3) tax exemption determination from the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Organization must submit audited financials for the two most immediate completed reporting periods of operation for which audits have been completed. The most recent period covered must be the year ending December 31, 2018 or later. If the organization does not perform audits because it does not meet required audit thresholds, the organization may submit Financial Statements completed by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for the two most recently completed fiscal periods.
  • Organization has financial capacity to manage a reimbursement-based contract, as demonstrated in its most recent audit or financial statements by having sufficient current or liquid assets on hand at least equal to one-twelfth of its annual operating expenses.
  • The organization is prepared to match 25% of any HUD funding award, except for leasing support, which does not require a match.
  • Organization is eligible to contract with the federal government to spend federal funds.
  • Organization meets HUD threshold requirements as described in the Pre-Application Questions.
  • Organization's Board of Directors has adopted a Conflict of Interest Policy for the organization.
  • Organization has a Board of Directors that includes at least one homeless or formerly homeless person, or it has received a waiver from HUD for the requirement to have a homeless or formerly homeless person on its Board of Directors.
  • Organization is in good standing with the City of Durham. This means that an organization that is currently receiving other funds from the City of Durham, including CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA or City funds, must be in compliance with all terms of their current agreement(s)/contract(s) and must not have any outstanding, uncorrected monitoring findings or concerns as determined by the City of Durham.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
Continuum of Care Interim Rule CoCProgramInterimRule_FormattedVersion.pdf 3/31/2020 12:44:59 PM PDF
CoC Program Introductory Guide CoCProgramIntroductoryGuide.pdf 3/31/2020 12:45:41 PM PDF
Durham CoC Governance Charter final_hsac_restructure_governance_charter.pdf 3/31/2020 12:47:38 PM PDF
Federal Definition of Chronic Homelessness Defining-Chronically-Homeless-Final-Rule.pdf 3/31/2020 12:48:24 PM PDF
Durham CoC Data Submission Policy durham_coc_data_submission_policy.pdf 3/31/2020 12:50:18 PM PDF
Durham CoC Performance Measures DurhamPerformanceMeasures-Final-2014.pdf 3/31/2020 12:50:56 PM PDF
Durham Coordinated Entry Policies & Procedures durham_coordinated_entry_policies_and_procedures_2-27-20_update.pdf 3/31/2020 12:51:39 PM PDF
Durham Standards for Prevention & RRH Projects durham_coc-project_standards_homelessness_prevention_and-rapid_rehousing_6-2018.pdf 3/31/2020 12:52:24 PM PDF
Durham Standards for PSH Projects durham_coc-program_standards_psh_6-2018.pdf 3/31/2020 12:53:20 PM PDF
Durham Evaluation, Monitoring, & Ranking Policy CoCRankingPolicy-final_2-27-2019.pdf 3/31/2020 12:53:54 PM PDF
HMIS@NCCEH Operating Policies & Procedures hmis-ncceh-final-operating-policies-and-procedures-june-2019.pdf 4/13/2020 6:34:43 AM PDF

$ 0.00 requested
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