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East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District

2022-2023 SPACE – Small Projects and Community Events
CLOSED  Deadline  5/15/2023
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Description  [hide this]

The SPACE Grant Program was established to advance the mission of EMSWCD by providing small grants for conservation-related work carried out by local organizations and schools. By providing easily accessible funding for short-term projects and events, groups can undertake important smaller scale conservation activities in the community with less lead time and administrative burden than larger grant programs. This SPACE program provides grants for a variety of conservation projects including outdoor education and special events. We especially encourage projects that serve or engage low-income and diverse communities. Projects must show a clear public benefit in one or more of the following areas: habitat restoration, watershed health, soil erosion prevention/control, soil health, water quality, water conservation, environmental education. EMSWCD provides SPACE grant awards of up to $2,000. Applications are accepted on a monthly basis, reviewed by staff (according to program criteria), and if recommended, submitted to EMSWCD's Executive Director or authorized senior staff for final approval. Applications that are received by the 1st of the month will be considered for funding and a decision is normally made by the 1st of the following month.

Requirements  [hide this]

To be eligible for SPACE Grant Program funding, the applicant must meet one of the following criteria: 1. Non-profit 501(c)(3) organization 2. Non-profit groups without 501(c)(3) status (for example, community groups, neighborhood groups, etc.) that retain a qualified fiscal sponsor 3. Educational institution 4. Government agency 5. Native American tribe. Businesses and private landowners are not eligible for this program but are encouraged to consider the EMSWCD CLIP program. The types of projects/events that are eligible for SPACE Program funding are: 1. On-the-ground habitat improvement project. Examples: native plant/tree planting, invasive weed control, erosion control, pollinator gardens. 2. Sustainable agriculture or gardening project. Examples: establishing new school and community gardens/orchards, garden education or upgrading existing gardens, composting systems, water saving irrigation, use of beneficial insects. 3. Pollution prevention project. Examples: trash cleanup along a stream, toxics/pesticide reduction workshop. 4. Sustainable stormwater management project. Examples: parking lot bioswale, raingarden, tree planting, pavement removal. 5. Monitoring project. Examples: volunteer training, monitoring event such as a bioblitz. 6. Environmental education of youth and/or adults. Examples: classroom/outdoor education program, workshops, teacher training, signage, Earth Day event. 7. Furthering diversity, equity and inclusion through conservation projects. Example: equity training, stipends or scholarship to promote participation of underserved populations and communities of color. 8. Building capacity for conservation in community-based organizations. Examples: training to build conservation knowledge and technical skills in staff or board, event speakers, project planning.

Restrictions  [hide this]

Funding Schedule and Limits
1. The maximum dollar limit for requests is $2,000 per application. If funded, the amount awarded for a particular project or event will be determined by the EMSWCD.
2. Applications will be accepted and considered on a first-come, first-served basis during the fiscal year (July to June).
3. Applicants are welcome to submit applications for more than one project or event per fiscal year. However, if an organization has already received a grant, a subsequent application will be less competitive than applications from organizations who have not previously been awarded a grant in that fiscal year.
4. If the available funds for the SPACE Program for a given fiscal year are committed before the fiscal year ends, additional applications may not be considered until the start of the next fiscal year.
5. Payments for approved awards can be made on a reimbursement basis or as an up-front payment. For reimbursement payments, grantees must submit copies of bills and/or receipts with their final report to EMSWCD after completion of the project/event. For up-front payments, funds will be provided prior to the project/event, and grantees are required to submit copies of bills and/or receipts to EMSWCD after the completion of the project/event, with their final report.
6. For awards over $600, the income may be taxable. EMSWCD will request an IRS W-9 form from applicants to which this requirement may apply and will report the income on a 1099-MISC form. Grant recipients are responsible for any tax consequences associated with receipt of grant funds.
7. Total project budgets should normally be $10,000 or less. Applications may be considered with prior consultation. If your total project budget exceeds this amount, please contact a staff person.
8. If you are awarded a grant, you may need to provide a landowner letter of approval prior to obtaining an EMSWCD’s signature on your contract. This applies if the landowner/manager is other than the applicant organization. Please see documents section for more information and the letter template.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
SPACE Guidelines FY22-23 SPACEGuidelinesFY2022-23.pdf 6/20/2022 3:22:04 PM PDF

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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