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King County, WA
Best Starts for Kids
BSK - Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention Initiative (YFHPI)
CLOSED  Deadline  3/25/2022
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Introduction & Timeline  [hide this]

Best Starts for Kids (BSK) and the Housing, Homelessness and Community Services Division (HHCDD) of the King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) are pleased to release this Request for Proposals (RFP). 

It is the intent of this RFP to solicit agencies who could serve in one of two capacities:

  • Agencies who would support the efforts of the Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention Initiative (YFHPI) by providing a fulltime case manager who will be highly trained to support King County households in maintaining housing stability using progressive engagement, Motivational Interviewing, and flexible funds where needed (DCHS is estimating up to 15 such awards); or
  • Agencies who would provide rental assistance to YFHPI households identified to need the stand-alone support of rent without Intensive Case Management (DCHS is estimating approximately 1-2 such awards).

The following timeline represents the initial schedule of the RFP process. The dates listed here are subject to change. Applicants are responsible for monitoring ZoomGrants for any changes prior to the submittal deadline.

  • Information Sessions: March 2 (1:00pm - 2:30pm) and March 10 (1:00pm - 2:30pm)
  • Final Day for Questions: March 23
  • Proposals Due: March 25 by 2:00pm

Eligibility  [hide this]

This request is open to nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, tribes and tribal organizations, and public or governmental agencies serving communities in King County. Small nonprofits and community-based organizations are encouraged to submit proposals.

The most qualified applicants will demonstrate the following: 

  1. Programs with experience serving youth and families at imminent risk of homelessness. 
  2. Organizations whose mission is to serve communities of color. 
  3. Organizations that can provide services in languages spoken by populations identified as over-represented in the homelessness system and/or identified to be at the highest risk of experiencing homelessness. 
  4. Provides competitive compensation package to its employees as demonstrated by the applicant’s Wage Sufficiency Plan.   
  5. Agree to meet the YFHPI data collection requirements. 
  6. Experience with tools that facilitate remote work. 
  7. Meet the requirements of the DCHS contract boilerplate; and
  8. Are not debarred from receiving federal funds.

Wage Sufficiency Goals  [hide this]

King County seeks to contract with and will prioritize agencies that are committed to compensating case managers at a level that drives case manager retention and the ability to allow staff to become “masters in their craft” at promoting housing stability and homelessness prevention to the benefit of King County residents at imminent risk of homelessness.

Agencies interested in being funded to provide case management services will be asked to speak to the following:

  • Agency’s annual compensation plan for YFHPI case manager
  • Inflation Plan
  • Staff Retention Plan
  • Accountability Plan

YFHPI case managers are highly trained housing triage specialists working with extremely vulnerable households that are struggling with losing their housing. This includes multitudes of complications that contribute to the risks of housing loss and obtaining long-term housing stability.

King County analyzed the wages of case managers in YFHPI from 2016-2021, and beyond finding lower wages, YFHPI case managers experienced high staff turnover rates overall, with case manager turnover rates higher for some agencies than others.  High case manager turnover impacts attainment of housing stability for highly vulnerable households. For this version of YFHPI, DCHS strives to ensure equity for all funded case managers.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
YFHPI Request for Proposals BSK-HCDD-YFHPI_2022-Final.pdf 2/28/2022 3:33:39 PM PDF
Narrative Questions (Att 1) Attachment_1-YFHPI_Narrative_Questions.docx 2/28/2022 3:34:24 PM DOCX
Budget Form (Att 2) Attachment_2-YFHPI_Budget_w_Justification.xls 2/28/2022 3:44:32 PM XLS
Technical Assistance Consultants (Att 4) Attachment_4-Technical_Consultants_2022.docx 2/28/2022 3:45:14 PM DOCX
DCHS Contract (Att 5) Attachment_5-DCHS_Contract_Terms.pdf 2/28/2022 3:48:07 PM PDF
YFHPI Addendum 1 BSK-HCDD-YFHPI_2022-A1.pdf 3/21/2022 10:20:37 AM PDF

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Applicant Information

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Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)

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1. Where are you planning on serving clients?
Select “All” only if you are planning and able to serve clients from every zip code within King County. This is being collected for information purposes only. This question is not scored as part of the evaluation process.

Application ID: -1