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King County, WA

DCHS VSHSL - Kinship Care Supports RFP
CLOSED  Deadline  9/2/2020
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Description  [hide this]

About: The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is pleased to release this Request for Proposal for Kinship Care Supports with funding from the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services (VSHSL) and guidance from the VSHSL Implementation Plan.

This request seeks an entity or entities to help implement VSHSL Strategy SE 2C -- to provide supports to senior kinship caregivers who are 55 and older living in King County, especially those in the early stages of the kinship care connections, with priority given, but not exclusive, to informal kinship caregivers, to help them be successful in their roles and increase their ability to maintain their health and well-being.

Please refer to the Library tab for the full RFP and associated attachments.

Available Funding: Up to $948,348 in veterans funding through the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy funds

Investment Period: October 1, 2020 - Dec. 31, 2023 (subject to change)

Bidders Conference:
Thursday, July 30, 2020,  11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
via Zoom:

Join by Zoom:

Join by phone:
1-253-215-8782, 9-565-227-0862# US (Tacoma), Meeting ID:  956 5227 0862

Questions: Submit questions through the Contact Admin tab. Final day to submit questions is August 26, 2020.

Proposals Due: Proposals must be submitted through ZoomGrants no later than 11:59 p.m. on September 2, 2020.

Notifcation of Award Decisions: End of September 2020

Anticipated Contract Start Date (subject to change): October 1, 2020

The dates listed above are subject to change. The full RFP and associated attachments are available for download under the Library tab. Applicants are advised to review these documents in their entirety for guidance on the purpose, requested program models, application questions and deadlines. Applicants are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments that may be uploaded.

Eligibility  [hide this]

This request is open to nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, tribes and tribal organizations and public or governmental agencies serving communities in King County. Small nonprofits, people of color-led organizations, Native and Indigenous community-led organizations, organizations led by LGBTQ+ leaders serving LGBTQ+ communities, other culturally specific organizations and small community-based organizations are encouraged to submit proposals.

Funding will prioritize organizations that have not previously been awarded and/or are not currently receiving funding from King County VSHSL, or organizations that have not been awarded longer term funding.

Application Requirements  [hide this]

Please submit your proposal via ZoomGrants. Complete proposals must include the following:

  • Responses to Summary Questions (See Attachment A for reference)
  • Completed and uploaded Geographic Service Intent Form (See Attachment B for reference)
  • Completed Organizatonal Equity Chart (See chart in Attachment C for reference)
  • Responses to Narrative Questions (See Attachment C for reference)
  • Completed and uploaded Budget (See Attachment D-1 if applying for a single program component or Attachment D-2 for multiple program components.)

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
VSHSL-RFP-SE 2C Kinship Care Supports VSHSL-RFP-SE2CKinshipCareSupports.pdf 7/22/2020 4:23:42 PM PDF
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment A-Summary Questions VSHSL-KinshipCareSupports-Attachment-A-SummaryQuestions.docx 7/22/2020 4:42:27 PM DOCX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment B-Geographic-Service-Intent-Form VSHSL-KinshipCareSupports-Attachment-B_Geographic-Service-Intent-Form1.xlsx 7/22/2020 4:42:39 PM XLSX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment C-Narrative Questions VSHSL-KinshipCareSupports-Attachment-C-NarrativeQuestions.docx 7/22/2020 4:45:07 PM DOCX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment D-1 Budget (Single Program Component) VSHSL-KinshipCareSuportsRFP-AttachmentD-1BudgetSingleProgramComponent.xlsx 7/22/2020 4:45:20 PM XLSX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment D-2 Budget (Multiple Program Components) VSHSL-KinshipCareSupportsRFP-AttachmentD-2BudgetMultipleProgramComponents.xlsx 7/22/2020 4:46:28 PM XLSX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment E-Technical Assistance VSHSL-KinshipCareSupports-Attachment-E_Technical-Assistance.docx 7/22/2020 4:47:06 PM DOCX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment F-King County DCHS 2019-2020 Boilerplate VSHSL-KinshipCareSupportsRFP-Attachment-F_King-County-DCHS-2019-2020-Services-Boilerplate.pdf 7/22/2020 5:02:27 PM PDF
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-Attachment G-General Terms VSHSL-KinshipCareSupports-Attachment-G_General-Terms.docx 7/22/2020 5:02:56 PM DOCX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports Bidders Conference PowerPoint SE2C-KinshipCareSupportsBiddersConferencePowerPoint.pdf 8/3/2020 3:41:50 PM PDF
VSHSL-Kinship Care Suports FAQ from 7.30.20 Bidders Conference FAQfrom73020BiddersConference.docx 8/3/2020 3:42:47 PM DOCX
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports 7.30.20 Bidders Conference Video Recording LINK 8/3/2020 3:49:03 PM LINK
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-FAQ from Week of 8.3.20 FAQfromWeekof8320.pdf 8/7/2020 9:39:11 AM PDF
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-FAQ from Week of 8.10.20 FAQfromWeekof81020.pdf 8/18/2020 11:15:59 AM PDF
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-FAQ from Week of 8.17.20 FAQfromWeekof81720.pdf 8/25/2020 11:26:25 AM PDF
VSHSL-Kinship Care Supports-FAQ from Week of 8.24.20 FAQfromWeekof82420.pdf 8/27/2020 3:24:38 PM PDF

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Summary Questions Part 1 (not scored) (answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Instructions Show/Hide

Application Title/Project Name
Amount Requested
Please list the ENTIRE amount you are requesting over the 2020-2023 award period.

Applicant Information

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Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)

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