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California Fire Safe Council

2023-2024 State Fire Capacity Program
CLOSED  Deadline  3/15/2024
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Synopsis of Grant Opportunity: California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) is pleased to announce its competitive application process for 2023/2024 SFC (formerly SFA) wildfire prevention grants. Funding is provided through a master grant to CFSC by the U.S. Forest Service to administer the Grants Clearinghouse program, with CFSC issuing subawards to successful applicants to support fire risk reduction activities by landowners in at-risk communities to restore and maintain resilient landscapes and create fire adapted communities. Funds should be utilized for hazard mitigation competitive grants in the following categories: • Hazardous fuels reduction and maintenance projects on non-federal land • Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and other community hazard mitigation and planning • Prevention and mitigation education and outreach opportunities for landowners and residents in at-risk communities.

Funding, Cost Share Requirement and Duration: CFSC has up to $1,575,000 available for wildfire prevention projects. The mandatory cost share is 100%. Federal funding can account for up to 50% of the project’s cost and the remaining 50% must come from non-federal sources and can include cash and/or third-party in-kind. For example, a $100,000 grant request will need to be matched with $100,000 from the applicant and cooperators. 

The grant performance period is 24 months. Grant funds cannot be expended after the termination date. The grant start date is anticipated to be June 2024, however dates are subject to change. Grant Application Limits: The maximum grant application request cannot exceed $100,000 for federal dollars. The maximum amount of applications that can be submitted is one by a single organization. Fiscal sponsors may submit 1 application and receive up to $100,000 for themselves, plus be awarded up to $100,000 for one sponsored organization. To illustrate this, if a fiscal sponsor is sponsoring one organization for $100,000, then that grant can be funded, plus up to $100,000 for their own request. So a fiscal sponsor can potentially be awarded up to $200,000, total. For more information on fiscal sponsors read our 23-24 SFC Application Guide.

Additional Online Resources   [hide this]

2023/24 CFSC Grants Clearinghouse Program Information

California Fire Safe Council The California Fire Safe Council website contains contact information, notices about funding sources, meetings and events that may be beneficial to your project or other fire prevention activities.

ZoomGrants ZoomGrants houses the clearinghouse grant application and progress reporting system and is the location for downloading and submitting payment request and grant modification forms. You will access ZoomGrants at least quarterly when you fill out grant progress reports and submit source documentation. Important notices will be sent through the ZoomGrants email system so be sure to keep your account contacts up to date.

SAM The SAM website is used to renew your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). SAM accounts and renewals are free of charge so be sure to renew directly through Other sites may offer to create or update accounts for a fee but that is not necessary. The debarred and suspended database on can be used to check the status of project managers, those with oversight of the project, and contactors providing $25,000 worth or more in goods or services.

Code of Federal Regulations To access the text of the code of federal regulations for grants, find the reference numbers in your sub award for administrative regulations, cost principles, or audit requirements and search for them by clicking on the code of federal regulations link on the website above. USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Process As part of the grant agreement, recipients are required to provide information on how to file a complaint of program discrimination with the USDA. The website above describes the process for filing such a complaint.

Community Guide to Preparing and Implementing CWPPs The Community Guide to Preparing and Implementing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (Community Guide) is a guide intended to assist CWPP participants by providing innovative strategies, case studies, and additional resources to develop, implement, and monitor their CWPPs.

USFS Best Management Practices for Creating a CWPP (2011) The USFS Best Management Practices for Creating a CWPP is a collection of best management practices suggested by a variety of communities that have already implemented

CWPPs How to Complete a Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Washoe County Communities The Living with Fire published template from their Learning Center prepared by the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.

Restrictions  [hide this]

PROHIBITED PROGRAM EXPENDITURES Purchase of vehicles or heavy equipment such as tub grinders and other expensive assets will not be funded (suggest rental or lease of these items). Construction and purchasing land are not allowable under the State Fire Capacity Program. Applicants interested in applying for equipment purchases such as chippers must contact a Grant Specialist prior to applying to discuss the requirements. In order to request purchase of equipment you must conduct a cost benefit analysis regarding the potential purchase, which would include surveying to see if there is available excess similar federal equipment; and comparison between leasing and purchasing the identified equipment, including comparison pricing. The request to purchase equipment must be submitted in writing to a Grant Specialist prior to submitting an application.

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Grant Funding Request Max $100,000
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