The City of Pleasanton Housing and Human Services Grant (HHSG) Program provides funding to non-profit and public agencies that serve low income persons and families. Funding will begin on July 1, 2023, and end on June 30, 2024. All agencies are required to comply with the requirements described in the City of Pleasanton's HHSG Policy and Procedure Manual.
1. The City will only accept applications submitted through this on-line ZoomGrants system. The City will not accept hardcopy, faxed, or emailed applications.
2. COMPLETE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 11:59 p.m., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2023. At exactly midnight (Thursday, January 21, 2023), the system will no longer allow you to save or submit your application.
3. If your agency is requesting funding for more than one project, a separate electronic application must be submitted for each program.
4. The Human Services Commission (HSC) will only consider applications that request a minimum of $10,000. This applies to both Public Service and Capital project applications.
5. You must indicate if you are requesting Capital or Public Service funds. If you are requesting funds for both, you must submit separate applications for each funding type. Staff will determine which funding source best fits your project and provide that recommendation to the City Council. [Capital requests will be funded with CDBG or HOME funds; Public Service requests will receive funding from CDBG, City General Funds for Human Services, or Lower Income Housing Funds.]
6. You are required to answer each question. If a question does not apply, please answer with "N/A".
7. Please visit the City's HHSG funding webpage to download additional grant application supporting documents including the HSC priorities, Pleasanton Community of Character Declaration, Critical Dates, and Income Limits. If you require assistance to complete the application, please contact Steve Hernandez, Housing Manager, at 925-931-5007 or at
1. The Pleasanton Human Services Commission (HSC) will review all funding proposals at their meeting on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, beginning at 6:00p.m. (tentative).
2. All agencies submitting an application are required to send a representative to this meeting who is knowledgeable about the application, organization, and program and is able to answer potential questions from the Pleasanton Human Services Commission. Responses will be evaluated as part of the selection process.
3. The HSC will evaluate all applications based on a set of general priorities adopted at its meeting of October 5, 2022. These criteria are posted on the City's web site at City's HHSG funding webpage as well. The HSC and staff may develop a scoring system based on the HSC priorities and on HHSG program criteria to make funding recommendations to the Pleasanton City Council.
4. Staff will present the HSC funding recommendations to the Pleasanton City Council on April 18, 2023, at 7:00 pm.
5. If your agency is awarded HHSG funding, you will receive a contract and related regulatory requirements that must be completed prior to encumbering funds on July 1, 2023.