The City of Trenton Office of Housing and Economic Development (HED) is seeking proposals and input for inclusion in its Fiscal Year 2021 Action Plan. The Fiscal Year 2022 Program Year will run from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. Successful proposals must address the homeless and emergency shelter needs presented in the City of Trenton’s 2020-24 Consolidated Plan and must meet the guidelines articulated in this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Funding for the ESG FY 2022 Program year available under this RFP is approximately$250,477. An additional $100,000 from FY2021 is available for Homelessness Prevention only.
Applicants may be non-profit organizations and local governmental entities that provide direct services to homeless persons or persons at risk of becoming homeless.
Only those proposals submitted for eligible activities in accordance with the required format (see attached forms and instructions) will be considered for funding. A summarized list of eligible activities is attached to the proposal form along with a summary of activities that are considered ineligible. If you are considering submitting an application for funding and are not sure if the project or program is eligible, you may contact for assistance.
Proposal are due July 17, 2022 by 11:59 PM.
City of Trenton's FY2022 Annual Action Plan Public Hearing was held May 18, 2022. Documents from the meeting can be found here: